Sunday, September 22, 2024

A strong capable committed group - the EGRRA Team


Vote for a strong capable committed Councillor Group that represents an engaged community.


The EGRRA team are committed to:-

·        REFOCUS expenditure to provide better service delivery

·        REDUCE EGSC costs and minimise annual rates increases.

·        RETAIN rates capping to provide ratepayer value.

·        ENSURE good governance, transparency and integrity.

·        INTRODUCE a whole of community consultation system to identify priorities (focus on local issues/projects that matter to locals)

·        CONCENTRATE council effort on ‘back to basics ‘principles

·        REORGANISE support to expand our remaining lead industries of Agriculture and Tourism

·        DELIVER your chance to exercise “community first” influence on local government direction. (with committed contact with Councillors)

·        RECOGNISE and utilise available community skills and strengths

·        LEAD in local education coordination to provide required skills and opportunities to retain young East Gippslanders within our region.

·        ADDRESS the ‘Cost of living Crisis’ and Maintain our standard of living while assisting all those in need

·        REQUIRE a quantifiable business case for all projects ensuring best value.

Authorised by John Butler-Cole. Po Box 501 Metung 3904

ABN: 80960270283  E:  W: M: 0447 777 051


  1. EGRRA strives to support the entire community of East Gippsland to achieve better value from EGSC expenditure to deliver fully on needs and priorities. We regularly assist EGSC in improvement of community perception of service delivery. If you have as issue that you believe is not being satisfactorily addressed contact
    Having a strong nine person councillor group is critical to good representative decision making.

  2. As a Local Government candidate – Did you fail the first test?
    Transparency, Honesty and Integrity are the basic character requirements for obtaining good governance and decision making for the whole community.
    The community has now been advised the Candidate Statements from 23 individuals nine of whom will form the next ‘Councillor Group. While these statements available on the website provide general background and aims for each candidate they fail to provide the detail information required by, and in a form that, each voter needs to make a considered choice.
    The Council Watch questionnaire from which each candidate can be compared and matched to the preferences of each voter is the solution as long as candidates are prepared to demonstrate the transparency necessary to represent us if elected- So this is the first test of a candidate’s integrity! Did you pass this test?
    EGRRA supports all candidates that commit to serving the community without fear of favour for the next 4 years. To form an effective leadership group the mix of councillors, as a collective team, need to demonstrate all the professional skills necessary to enable them to hold the EGSC administration officers to account. Division between councillors leads to poor unrepresentative government-
    Voters please choose carefully – make your vote count
    At today’s date only nine of the 23 candidates have completed the questionnaire perhaps indicating that a majority of candidates are unsuitable to hold office . EGRRA encourages all those candidates who have failed so far to be transparent and complete the questionnaire available on to complete and return it before 28th September.
    Quote from Council Watch president Dean Hurlston
    "Council bureaucracy is strangling the goodwill in our communities, rates are ever increasing and service standards are lower than ever, there are far more of us than them.
    Sadly, we are in an ideological war - are they meant to serve us or are we their puppets for radical social policy? Local Democracy and the right to be heard is not negotiable, CEOs and executives are drunk on power despite being unelected - this must all radically change"

    Authorised by John Butler-Cole -Secretary EGRRA Po box 501 Metung 24 Sept 2024


Can all Candidates Actually Perform the Role

  Our Candidates standing in Council Elections Can they successfully perform the role of serving our community? Can they •          co...